Friday, February 4, 2011

Financially Ignorant Part 2

After high school I went to work with my mother again to save money for community college. Little did I know the pattern would repeat and I would be spending my money on clothes, a new car, food and helping with rent again. This went on until a couple months before my 21st birthday. My friend Cari asked me to move to Utah with her and go to the community college there. I put my first college application in and was so surprised to see they accepted me. I didn't know they accepted almost everyone. I'll never forget how I felt when I opened that letter. I still have it :)

So off to Utah I went in January 1997. I stopped in Tucson Arizona where Cari was staying with her parents. She informed me that she really liked it there and was going to stay put. I was a little disappointed but I made my way to Utah and stayed the first semester.

This was the first time I ever lived on my own. I had a new car and college to pay for. I had no job and no money 3 weeks after arriving. I took a job at as a telemarketer making $9.00 an hour. I hated this job! I'm not a sales person. But I had to pay rent some how. My parents couldn't help me and I needed to stand on my own. By May I realized I couldn't do this yet and called my friend Cari. I moved to Tucson and stayed with her family for almost a year. Cari got married that June and I didn't know what to do with my life.

I was 21 years old, living with my friends parents and broke. On top of all that I gained 60lbs living off Taco Bell food. Cari's mom was so sweet and encouraged me to look for work other than fast food. She told me how talented I was and that I could do so much more with my life. This was a real contrast to being told, all my life, how stupid I was and how I would never make anything of myself. She got me an interview with a temp agency and I was able to start work at a local bank. I was making $7 an hour. I still hadn't learned how to manage my finances.

Cari's sister Erin and I moved into an apartment with 2 other girls from church a year later (1998). That year I learned a lot about responsibility and what needed to come first in my financial life. I always paid my share of the bills first. Then I bought my groceries. But all my other funds went to fast food and entertainment. I just didn't have control. I thought I was doing fine though. I even bought a used car. However, I got into credit card debt before leaving Florida. I declared bankruptcy at 22yrs old. I was ashamed and I still hadn't managed to complete college. I had only 12 credits to my name. What was I going to do?

I decided to go to work full time. I knew I wouldn't be able to complete college and live on my own. I transferred to Phoenix when the local bank I worked for was purchased by a national bank. I bought another used car at %23 interest. )No one ever taught me about purchasing a car either! We only had 2 cars growing up and that was for only 4 years of my life.)

It was now 24 years old, single and in a better place emotionally than I had ever been. I met my husband in October 1999. We married February 12, 2000. Boy did he NOT know what he was getting into with me. Like I said, ignorance is bliss.

We have made a lot of financial mistakes over the years. Both of us! It's been 11 years now and I'd like to say that I have learned how to control my finances. But I would be lying. I am however much better at budgeting than when I was single. I have kids and a husband to think of before I can be selfish. But how far have I really come?

I am now, for the first time, budgeting out monthly expenses like groceries, gas and utilities. We have always had money for these things. But I would rack up credit card debt buying clothes and such. I've done this 3 times! Finally I can say that I am taking my finances one day at a time. I look at them each day and make sure I'm on track. That I'm not overspending and that I remember what is a want and a need. Priorities are everything!

So, at almost 35 years old, I am happy to say that I'm still learning and growing. But the difference from childhood to now is understanding my mistakes. Plus having the Lord's help is really great too!

I don't know why I blogged this but I have been making such good progress lately that I had to share. I couldn't just tell about my success until you heard about the failure first. Life is hard but two things are certain. 1 I will eventually die and 2 I will pay taxes even after my death!

I'm just hoping for a little fun and happiness along the way!


  1. I remember living in that tiny 2 bedroom apt with the 4 of us. I think it was a learning experience for all of us. With student loans, old debt we are almost rid of and the needs of a growing family...I completely understand! I'm proud of you for putting your knowledge to good use. Even if it necessarily isn't school knowledge! :) You ARE smart!

  2. It's not an easy thing for most people, you are not at all alone. Thing is it has nothing to do how smart you are and everything to do with how diciplined you are. I am not real great at that either :(

  3. Thanks Rae and Mike! I've been doing much better and it shows in our home. I'm still working on some things but it's good to have a goal :)
