Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vegas Baby!

We are headed to Las Vegas for a long weekend. Did I forget to mention that it's just me and the girls! NO BOYS ALLOWED! I get to go see my best friend Julie and her family. They moved last August and I have been struggling ever since to regain my balance. No friends in the neighborhood that live down the street, are LDS, you can borrow their car, or have sleep overs and mom's night outs with. Needless to say, we will cram everything into this weekend. I hope we can visit this summer as a family. Of course staying in a hotel and not at their house :)

Zoey and Emily have grown up with Bella and Olivia since 2003. Aah the good old days. They are so excited to visit and see their new dog and house. I bet they come home and repack their suitcases...AGAIN! This will be a fun trip. And a much needed break from being Mom to 5 kids. Now I can just chill cuz the girls get along so well. I hope I didn't jinx myself!

So one more day of laundry, cleaning, reffing fights, dishes, bath time, etc! Time for a relaxing vaca with a great friend and my girls. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Thanks for this birthday present Gary! You are the BEST husband.


  1. Oh my how fun~ But who is watching gary watch the kids? Ha jk! I wish i were going with. I miss our scraping time the three of us used to have. Ah memories... give Julie a big hug for me!

  2. You are so lucky...glad you had a good time. When we came home from our last vacation, my house looked so worn out compared with a pristine hotel suite...reality does bite sometimes !
