Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ouch :(

I was doing some landscaping this past month in our front and back yards when my shoulder started to ache. Then I took Jake to his annual eye exam that he vehemently didn't want to do. He slammed and I mean slammed his head into my shoulder in the doctor's office. I went to urgent care an hour after that because of the pain. My point is: I separated my shoulder and collar bone where they join. It is very painful too. This was the last week of March and today I went to the Orthopedic Surgeon to see if he could help me with this pain. One cortisone shot later and I'm doing better. But for those who have wondered where I have been or where their birthday cards and gifts are; I will try to catch up this week. Thanks for all the prayers and help from my friends and family. I love you guys. Now let's pray that the shots will help and I don't have to have surgery!


  1. Glad it wasn't anything worse! You looked like you were in pain Tuesday night. Glad your doing better!

  2. that sounds painful. I am so sorry Marti! But welcome to the blogging world!! COme and see me soon.

    miss ya
